Upper Peninsula Michigan Marketplace, an Online Business Directory for the UP
What is the Upper Peninsula Michigan Marketplace? The UP Michigan Marketplace is an online business directory for the Upper Peninsula, based in Menominee, Michigan.
I created this website in 2019 in order to promote the UP and our many great small businesses. My mission is to showcase Local Businesses and Products from around the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
List your business for free, or upgrade to a paid membership and post your products, newsletters, press releases, and more to our members.
Website https://www.upmimarketplace.com/
This website is an example of the following services:
Website Development
- New Ecommerce Website created in August 2019
- Website Refreshed in December 2020
- Website Re-Designed in January 2022
- Website refreshed in April 2023
Website Hosting
- Managed Website Hosting
Domain Name Registration
- Domain Name Registration
Digital Marketing & SEO
- Digital Marketing & Advertising
- On-Page Search Engine Optimization
- Social Media Management
Analytics & Traffic
- Google Analytics & Search Console Management
- Bing + Yahoo Webmaster Tools Management
Writing & Editing
- Copywriting Services
- Copy Editing & Proofreading
- Content Creation
- Data Entry Services
Graphics & Photography
- Stock Photos licensed for use on website
- Logo Design Services